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Create Smali Patcher Android 13 Bypass Mock Ready

Smali Patcher Android 13
Smali Patcher Android 13

Smali Patcher Android 13 | Are you confused about finding the smali patcher android 13? Don’t be confused, I give a solution for ordering Smali Patcher android 13 for those of you who like to use magisk and smali patcher modules.

In this article we will provide you Smali Patcher Magisk Module Latest Download link. We will provide a file from GitHub original repository. Smali Patcher work on a android 11 also and It’s famous and most people using Magisk patching module. This Magisk module will make many of your smartphone tasks easier than ever. This useful module was developed by fOmey.

What is Smali Patcher?

Smali Patcher knowing by Magisk Module patching tools. Smali Patcher provide the multiple features and most use full. Smali Patcher will automatically download the latest required binaries during startup.

Smali Patcher Android 13


  • Laptop atau PC dengan RAM minimal 3GB.
  • NET Framework 4.7.1 or Latest
  • JAVA JRE 1.8 or Latest
  • System androidmu minimal Marshmallow 6.0


  • Backup Device
  • Aktifkan USB Debugging pada Menu Opsi Pengembang, kemudian hubungkan ke Laptop/PC kalian
  • Authorize USB Debug
  • Jalankan atau RUN “Smali Patcher.exe” di dalam menu folder smali sesuai versi, Pastikan ada KONEKSI INTERNET, karena saat pertama kali dijalankan, Smali Patcher akan mendownload file binary dari servernya.
  • Cheklist Opsi Patch yang diperlukan sesuai kebutuhan kalian
  • Tekan Patch JAR, tanpa harus memilih .jar, karena ini menggunakan metode koneksi ADB Devices, sehingga akan berjalan otomatis, namun jika tidak berjalan, maka silahkan ambil .jar nya lalo copy ke laptop/pc kalian.
  • Ketika sudah selesai Patching, maka akan muncul file baru di folder smali patcher, yang ber ekstensi .zip, silahkan copy file tersebut ke device kalian.
  • Install Module Smali Patcher melalui Module magisk, lalu pilih file smali patcher yang sudah kalian buat tadi.
  • Done

Lanjut ke Topik, Download Smali Patcher Latest Version ini bisa kalian gunakan untuk banyak hal, silahkan kalian berkreasi ya.

How to use Smali Patcher

  1. Enable Developer Settings : Go phone about section and tab the build number many times
  2. Go developer settings and enable USB debugging
  3. Connect your device via USB to your PC
  4. Enable authorize USB debugging connection
  5. Run “SmaliPatcher.exe”, wait few minutes to download the latest necessary binary’s.
  6. Press the “PATCH” button.
  7. After process has completed, Magisk module will be generated in the same directory.
  8. Install the generated Magisk module from the Magisk app.

Smali Patcher Android 11

Many people asking on forum “Smali Patcher work or not in android 11?” I want to say Yes it works. I am using Magisk with Smali Patcher and GPS joystick on Android 11.

Smali Patcher Android 12

To get the smali patcher android 12, you have to order through our team oprek mania, please chat via the chat icon that we have provided.

When ordering, please send us the service.jar file, then we will process the coding for those of you who want to order the smali patcher android 12.

Smali Patcher Android 13

To get the smali patcher android 13, you have to order through our team oprek mania, please chat via the chat icon that we have provided.

When ordering, please send us the service.jar file, then we will process the coding for those of you who want to order the smali patcher android 13.

Download Smali Patcher All Version

Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther
Smali Pacther

Smali Patcher
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Smali Patcher
Smali Patcher

Smali Patcher Terbaru 2020

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Smali patcher bisa digunakan untuk modifikasi driver online seperti Grab dan Gojek (smali patcher grab), atau untuk modifikasi game pokemon go

One of the functions of the smali patcher is as a magisk module, but be careful when installing it, because if it is wrong, it can cause a bootloop.

That’s Download Smali Patcher Android 13, Or Smali Patcher Android 13 hopefully this smali patcher can make a solution for those of you who want to order create smali patcher android 13.

If something is missing, please fill in the comments below.

Jasa Smali Patcher Android 13

Mau membuat bypass mock untuk android 13 mu?, Sini silahkan order pada kami, akan kami buatkan smali patcher khusus untuk firmware yang kamu punya, atau khusus HP/Device kamu. Tinggal kirim service.jar kepada kami, lalu kami akan proses pembuatanya segera.

Silahkan langsung chat kami melalui Tombol Pesan / Chat di pojok bawah.

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